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Saturday, 30 June 2018

Colorful We

                                                                     Colorful Nagas.!

Weaving and handicraft is our great custom since..Inception that we were half-clad. we have different clothes, a shawl to wear on different occasions, and also a special type of shawl to be worn by the village chief or the royal family.
We did careful handicraft work and artistic embroideries all over the shawls where we could easily identify the status of the man (symbol of special status).

We Nagas have immense capability and skills which should be nurtured so that it does not disperse with time. The state government or the concerned organization must take steps to motivate such intelligent people and bring their capabilities into the limelight.

Well, known Historian, Dr. Hutton wrote: "All Naga Tribes have a most remarkable appreciation of the effective and picturesque in dress, and their use of color is usually in extraordinary good taste and particularly well adapted to the surroundings in which it is displayed. the designs of their clothes are conspicuous for the right use of brilliant colors, while their ornaments of black and white hornbill feathers, cowries, ivory, and scarlet hair seem peculiarly well fitted to the deep green or bluish background usually afforded by the well-weeded hills which are their home "
#Weaved by my friends, stationed in Dimapur.!

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Integration is a must

The seven (7) Northeast state of India (eastern Asia), was never part of India. no Indian ruler in known history could rule this place. more than 200 ethnic groups or tribes living here, among them Nagas are the first nation that on 14th august 1947 openly declared their independence out of the Indian domain.

India must understand that struggling more than 60 plus years for independence Nagalim was not kidding. The heroic struggle of the Nagas resistance enjoys popular support from the world. It indicates that India will not be able to crush the zeal for freedom of the Naga People. 

From Gandhi to notorious Nehru to Modi through their fake commitments, agreements, truces, ceasefire…etc repeatedly deceived the Nagas. It would only block our struggle temporarily, not permanently. India has been applied all their notorious evil techniques, except nuclear bomb, to crush the Nagas but failed. This means it unveils the fact that India will have to leave Nagalim today or tomorrow.

To integrate of Nagas Inhabited areas, India tries to set a thief to catch a thief. Our leaders should comprehend Indian game plan and also the state of Manipur, Assam, Arunachal should also stand against their common foes (Indian), knowing the historical background setting aside their petty interest if they stick the peace, development in the region. They should narrow down their differences including territorial disputes as Nagas didn’t demand other lands.

Nagas should not trust the Indian leadership and bureaucrats, they made so many commitments, signed on many agreements and accords, held so many dialogues, observed hundred of the ceasefire but all those bring fail to bring any changes. All these are tools of bluffing the people of the Nagas.
Let the international community wait and see how the honeymoon of dialogue & ceasefire of Indo-Naga peace ends.!

Historical evidence says, Indian leaders in their words are very generous but they are equally dishonest in deeds and practices.

Saturday, 9 June 2018

RP Mingsamang

                                     RIP to the Leader.

The oldest Serving Naga Nationalist, Steering Committee Eno. Mingshamang Raiping popularly known as Awo Mang passed away at the age of 85 at his village, Tashar village, Ukhrul. He was survived by three sons and two daughters. He joined the Naga Nationalist on 14th Feb 1963 and served the Naga Nation for 55 years. His Golden Jubilee was celebrated on 29th April 2017 at Tashar village.

#His Short Messages -
*Sowing the seeds of Naga political aspiration has to walk a long way ahead. each and every one of us are lucky indeed, for God is merciful. I have the good fortune to be of service to the Naga Nation for a cause, in being just that of myself..a humble Naga Army, to unlock the doors of political struggle in the promise of God.

*Naga Nation has a dream, as every Nation has a future. A nation or a people without a struggle does not require to exist among Nations. No one can remain handicap on the subject of building a strong Nation. For without a struggle, every child within the womb of a mother shall be born and become a people without a motherland. the action of today shall become the destiny tomorrow.

* Without sacrifice our struggle shall only be more of a hindrance, from within, than fruitful, while facing the challenges against the multidimensional obstacles. let's take it to the Lord in prayer, to open the gate of sovereignty, for a future to greater victory.

*He strongly propounds No integration no solution.
#May his Soul Rest in Peace

My Love

You are in my dream at night and my thoughts throughout the day.
Yes, I never thought I could love someone in every single way. I was fortunate to meet you my Love... that God sends me an Angel. you shower me in every way. you give me the strength I need to be a better man even though I was bad in every way. you taught me what love is...
you taught me what life is, You show me what men would be...!! You are my inspiration... I was made for loving you now... till the last.
#Thinking of you.

Documentary film

Waiham Junction in Teinem would become one of the historical places in the days, years to come in Tangkhul. 
On 9th November 2013 the 1st District Level Lengvei (otrei) kaphung was held officially under the aegis of Journey for Change (JFC)with the theme, “Retrospection of our Unique Cultural Heritage” and was recorded documentary film simultaneously for the first time in Waiham junction.
During our preparation for the event we, JFC first approached Phadang village to host the historical event but due to some villages' problems, they turn down our request.
I was the General secretary, JFC.

Lengvei held after 4 decades at Teinem village

IMPHAL, Nov 11: After a gap of four decades, the district level Lengvei (Otrei) Kaphung was held officially on Nov 9 at Teinem Village, Waiham Junction under the aegis of Journeys for Change (JFC) with the theme, “Retrospection of our Unique Cultural Heritage”.
The event was graced by Teinem Headman WS Ngamchuipei and Secretary Wungnaoyo. The headman applauded the JFC for the various activities being taken up and the effort to preserve the cultural uniqueness in particular.
Representatives of various organizations, NGOs, like TKS, UDHQAU/TSL took part in the historical event.
“Many cultures, Traditions enrich our lives, beautiful and rich cultural Lengvei deserves to be preserved for future generations to come. Without cultures Tangkhul is as good as an extinct, erased from the surface, blotted out and existing without dignity or recognition” said the TSL, TMNL, and TKS.
Marshall Shongjanwo Shimrayy, members of JFC said, “Our culture, tradition is subject to change as they are passed down through the generations but culture, traditions, folk tales, histories should be preserved as a link to our past, as a pointer to our future, such preservation is never a waste.”
Lengvei (Otrei) has been held usually at the end of the harvest season and before the commencement of Lengvei the villager prepared various food items including Rice Beer followed by offering food to God. As a prelude to Lengvei, cultural dance and games were performed by the women. The JFC president SW Wungnaoshung thanked the host village for their hospitality, active cooperation; the participants for their willingness to support. The president went on to state that JFC is an unaided forum to acquire intellectual empowerment through the exchange of ideas for the betterment of self and society. It has endeavored activities to promote social awareness and participation, focusing on the dignity of labor, etc. He also expressed sincere thanks to district administrator (DC) Shailesh Kumar Chaurasia and YS Praising for their contributions towards the success of the event. Chuimeichui W Shimray (Machuinao) s/o Rakhalem W Shimray (28) of Teinem village (carrying 27 tins/ 370 Kg approximately) was declared man of the match.


16 POINT AGREEMENT – THE GREATEST BETRAYAL IN NAGA HISTORY Kaka D. Iralu February 15, 2003 The Wider Historical Background: July 18, 1...