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Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Kuki is a Refugee.


The name Kuki was first heard of in Manipur between 1830 to 1840 A.D. The reign of Maharaj Nara Singh 1844 - 185 AD may be remembered for the arrival and settlement of Kukis in Manipur. They fled and arrived in Manipur as they were driven northwards by related but more powerful tribes and also the enemies in Mayanmar.

Settling down of Immigrant Kukis (Foreigners)
Colonel Mc Cullock was then political Agent in Manipur. The reigning King Nara Singh entrusted to him the work of settling the Kuki immigrants in Manipur.

Historian RK Jhalajit Singh Padmashri also gave the same information as written by Maj-General Sir James Johnstone in his book “Manipur and Naga Hills” Page 45.

He wrote, “The new immigrants began to cause anxiety about the year 1845 and soon poured into the hill tract of Manipur in such members, as to drive away many older inhabitants” However under the British protection, Mc Cullock settled them down allotting to them lands in different places with the permission and blessings of the Maharaj.

Mc Cullock felt that the Kuki presence in the exposed front of Manipur will be useful when the Kukis have become enemies of Burma and when the French and Portuguese influence in Burma was strong against the British interest in Burma and for Manipur also.  Manipur was extremely weak after 7 years of devastation, the effect of which is still lingering as renewed danger.

Some Kukis were made irregular troop, others were told off to carry loads according to the custom of the state.

The Maharaj also gave them permission to settle and later three (3) SADAR *(Selected Area Development Administrative Regions)* circles were established particularly for the Kuki population.

Churachandpur was SADAR Circle No. 3 Not only for Kuki Settlement,
SADAR Bazar (Now Paona Bazar) and
Maxwell Bazar (Now Thangal Bazar) was established for the people.

                                  SADAR HILL
However, regarding SADAR Hill, this epithet Hill added on Sadar had been a suspicious matter to accommodate more and more Kuki immigrants in the future for their homeland plan.

* Some Documents that show Kukis were Refugees. 👇





The standing order of the president Manipur state Darbar issued by captain Harvey No. 11 of 18 | 8 | 1931 which run the Kukis shall not be issued firearms because of their savagery nature against the Nagas, part 2 declared that "they shall be granted firearm on loan for protection against the wild animals".
Standing order of the president Manipur State Darbar in his order no. 9 of 9/ 9 /1933 declared that A Kukis village having 20 houses shall pay house tax of Re. 6/- per annum.
Standing order of PMSD T.A sharp in his order no. 2 of 23.7.1941 declared that "The Kukis shall obtain prior permission from the chief of Naga village for settlement and pay house tax to the Naga Chief.
R.Suisa's outstanding Naga leader took up the Burmese Chin Kuki refugee problem of Manipur and ask the union govt. of India to grant relief fund. The Government of India /GoI agreed the requestion and granted the Kuki refugees fund under Memo P.3/9/66 Finance Ministry of Home Affairs GOI and payment made to the Kuki refugees by the state government of Manipur vide memo No. 01/R/RFL as -
    1. First payment 22-04-1957
 2. Second payment 7-7-59
3. Third payment 28-2-66
           4. Fourth payment 18-7-68 so on.
The standing order of the PMSD is still in operation and that no Kuki village is allowed to establish within the jurisdiction of a Naga village without prior permission from the chief of that Naga village. The said order of the PMSD clearly exposed that the Kukis in the Naga areas of Manipur are aliens and refugees having no lands of their own. 


  1. Great collection friend! Lets keep on collecting more information about them;we need more research on them as they are growing more aggressive with each passing year.

  2. This is great , good job thanks for uploading the the historical facts of khongchai/Kukis. If possible kindly upload more in a days to come

  3. Good collection, appreciated

  4. The name Kuki was first heard of in Manipur between 1830 to 1840 A.D. The reign of Maharaj Nara Singh 1844 - 185 AD may be remembered for the arrival and settlement of Kukis in Manipur. They fled and arrieved in Manipur as they were driven northwards by related but more powerful tribes and also the enemies in Mayanmar. (Kindly check the year mentioned in this paragraph) Your article is interesting indeed. It is the need of the hour!

  5. Written by some Tangfools..😂



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