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Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Kuki is a Refugee.


The name Kuki was first heard of in Manipur between 1830 to 1840 A.D. The reign of Maharaj Nara Singh 1844 - 185 AD may be remembered for the arrival and settlement of Kukis in Manipur. They fled and arrived in Manipur as they were driven northwards by related but more powerful tribes and also the enemies in Mayanmar.

Settling down of Immigrant Kukis (Foreigners)
Colonel Mc Cullock was then political Agent in Manipur. The reigning King Nara Singh entrusted to him the work of settling the Kuki immigrants in Manipur.

Historian RK Jhalajit Singh Padmashri also gave the same information as written by Maj-General Sir James Johnstone in his book “Manipur and Naga Hills” Page 45.

He wrote, “The new immigrants began to cause anxiety about the year 1845 and soon poured into the hill tract of Manipur in such members, as to drive away many older inhabitants” However under the British protection, Mc Cullock settled them down allotting to them lands in different places with the permission and blessings of the Maharaj.

Mc Cullock felt that the Kuki presence in the exposed front of Manipur will be useful when the Kukis have become enemies of Burma and when the French and Portuguese influence in Burma was strong against the British interest in Burma and for Manipur also.  Manipur was extremely weak after 7 years of devastation, the effect of which is still lingering as renewed danger.

Some Kukis were made irregular troop, others were told off to carry loads according to the custom of the state.

The Maharaj also gave them permission to settle and later three (3) SADAR *(Selected Area Development Administrative Regions)* circles were established particularly for the Kuki population.

Churachandpur was SADAR Circle No. 3 Not only for Kuki Settlement,
SADAR Bazar (Now Paona Bazar) and
Maxwell Bazar (Now Thangal Bazar) was established for the people.

                                  SADAR HILL
However, regarding SADAR Hill, this epithet Hill added on Sadar had been a suspicious matter to accommodate more and more Kuki immigrants in the future for their homeland plan.

* Some Documents that show Kukis were Refugees. 👇





The standing order of the president Manipur state Darbar issued by captain Harvey No. 11 of 18 | 8 | 1931 which run the Kukis shall not be issued firearms because of their savagery nature against the Nagas, part 2 declared that "they shall be granted firearm on loan for protection against the wild animals".
Standing order of the president Manipur State Darbar in his order no. 9 of 9/ 9 /1933 declared that A Kukis village having 20 houses shall pay house tax of Re. 6/- per annum.
Standing order of PMSD T.A sharp in his order no. 2 of 23.7.1941 declared that "The Kukis shall obtain prior permission from the chief of Naga village for settlement and pay house tax to the Naga Chief.
R.Suisa's outstanding Naga leader took up the Burmese Chin Kuki refugee problem of Manipur and ask the union govt. of India to grant relief fund. The Government of India /GoI agreed the requestion and granted the Kuki refugees fund under Memo P.3/9/66 Finance Ministry of Home Affairs GOI and payment made to the Kuki refugees by the state government of Manipur vide memo No. 01/R/RFL as -
    1. First payment 22-04-1957
 2. Second payment 7-7-59
3. Third payment 28-2-66
           4. Fourth payment 18-7-68 so on.
The standing order of the PMSD is still in operation and that no Kuki village is allowed to establish within the jurisdiction of a Naga village without prior permission from the chief of that Naga village. The said order of the PMSD clearly exposed that the Kukis in the Naga areas of Manipur are aliens and refugees having no lands of their own. 

Friday, 29 March 2019

War of Challenges

                   WAR OF CHALLENGES

#There are five wars in Naga customary, General war, Secret War, War of Challenges, Clan War, and War of Hostages.

Some 300 years ago, in a village in the North of Ukhrul District, Tangkhul noted for its hospitality, the certain famous warrior called Kapang (Kapungo) of Angari Village of Mao – Maram area participated in the famous Paoyi Langchin (Paoyi Village Festival) during Luira Phanit (Sowing Festival).
In Tangkhul Luira Festival, Wrestling is a major, important game. In this wrestling competition, there was nobody to match Kapang of Ngari. Before the eyes of all the public, Kapang therefore, challenges Luivao, the chief of Longpi Village for wrestling although he was no match for him. Unable to bear the insult, the Longpi Chief quietly left the same evening and called his friend, the famous warrior of Longpi called Maringthei. To save the prestige of the chief of his village who also happened to his bosom friend, Maringthei agreed and left the same night for paoyi village with Luivao (chief).
In the morning, Kapang shouted again at the house of Chief of the Southern Khel of that village, The A host of Luivao and Maringthei.
Kapang – “Come out and tell me, Why are you afraid? Are you not the chief of Longpi?”
Luivao – “Go and eat. This small one (Maringthei) will stand for me”. The village chief then announced publicly that all should come and see the wrestling competition between Kapang of Ngari and Maringthei of Longpi.
In physical appearance, Maringthei although robust and in excellent health was no match for the huge structure of Kapang. Step by step the two warriors came closer and closer keeping the public in suspense. No sooner they caught hold of each other than Kapang carried him away to throw him against the stone wall (i.e. the Naga wall where stones pile up one another). However, just before Kapang took the position, Maringthei applied his leg tactics and the giant was down. Everyone shouted in surprise. The furious Kapang quickly rushed to the center again whereas the noble Maringthei majestically walked down to the center of the field for the second round. The moment they caught hold of each other again, Maringthei was once again in the air. This time Kapang carried him fast to throw him down the steep stone wall. Maringthei struggled hard and again applied another leg tactic and before Kapang could throw him down, Maringthei was at the top of the fallen giant. Everyone was stuck with wonder.
Kapang wanted to repeat the wrestling; however, the village Authority (councilor) intervened and stopped Kapang because wrestling competition according to Tangkhul custom could not be repeated beyond two rounds.
Red with shame, Kapang again threw a challenge to Maringthei. This time, for spear throwing and catching competition. The latter agreed readily. Then, the public knew that it was no longer a game, it was going to be a deadly match. For the warriors, however, it was still a lively game though dangerous. The Authority entered the field and marked the lines six steps (about 1 and a half Feet per step) away from the circle. Six is the customary number for men and five for women in Naga dealings.
The catcher in a small circle of a fathom radius and the thrower about 8 to 10 feet away from the circle, it was an indeed deadly challenge. Who will be the first to throw? That was the question that attracted the attention of the tense public. The distance was too small and one was sure to die. Both of them bargained to be the first thrower, there was no end to the arguments to be the first thrower. The sun was advancing and the public became restless.
Shouted Maringthei “Thangkha phara thangkha thi. Phakhalappa thi tharashi” – Born one day and die one day. The Coward dies ten times. I permit you, itao Kapang, to be the first, however, shouted Maringthei, then the host and Luivao vehemently intervened and refused to make their man the first catcher. “What I have said is final, I honor my word”, said Maringthei. Thus the anger of Luivao and their host melted away.
With terrible war whoops and war dance, Kapang threatened and pointed the spear t the target, turned away and then rushing back like a roaring lion, he threatened to kill him so that he might he be psychologically demoralized while repeating the war dance and war tactics of rushing and turning away and again rushing back, suddenly Kapang with all his force threw the spear at the target. He was sure that his opponent would go down. To the surprise of all, however, in the twinkling of the eyes, the spear was in the hand of Maringthei. “He is not a man, he is god’s shouted the public and they sang the song in praise of Maringthei of Longpi which remain even today.
Not satisfied with this defeat, Kapang again threw another challenge that they should make certain marks in their paddy fields giving chance to each other to make a surprise attacks at the time of paddy cultivation, so far away 3 to 4 days journey and yet so near for the adventure of warriors.
One rainy day, when Maringthei was in the paddy field, Kapang was surveying for a surprise attack. Smelling Kapang’s maneuver, Maringthei shouted at the top of his voice saying, “Come all, come quickly, the enemy is at hand” as Kapang was not aware of the trick of Maringthei, he left quietly and never came back.
Then, it was the turn of Maringthei to surprise Kapang when he would come to the paddy field for scaring Kapang when he would come to the paddy field for scaring away birds from the rice paddy fields. From the prominent white mark of Khamkhui thing (Rhus trees, family), they could easily locate the field of Kapang. They waited for the night to come watching the movement of Kapang. At the right time of the night, they searched and searched everywhere but not a sign of life except the noisy songs of the frogs and the roaring waters which flowed from terraced field to another. An idea struck Maringthei’s mind and he closes all the channels of the following water. To their surprise, Kapang was snoring in a deep hole dug out by himself under the noisy waterfalls of the paddy field. It was a clever device to hide his snoring and to mislead his enemies, but Maringthei was cleverer than him.
Maringthei – Itao (Friend) get up. Look at the full moon. Do you remember paoyi Langchin.?
Kapang – Itao, Is that you?
Maringthei – Will you come out or shall I come in?
Kapang – Why should I come out and why should you come in “? (After realizing that his spear has already been taken)
Maringthei then suddenly pounced upon him. There was a terrible fight hand to hand, inside the small cave with Luivao. Watching the game and supplying ropes to Maringthei for binding the hands of Kapang. Although his hands were carefully tied with strong ropes, Kapang gave a hard kick and Luivao was flat in the paddy field. “oh, my paddy field is gone, what will my children et”? Said Kapang laughing at Luivao. Maringthei got enraged and caught hold of Kapang and threw in the muddy rice field destroying more paddies.
“Kill him, Kill him,” said Luivao
Maringthei – “I will take him alive to my house so that he may look after the paddies basked in the sun against the chicken”. There was no greater insult than to a warrior. Before Kapang could do further harm, they removed his eyes and led him away. They were too tired and spent the night in the Jungle. When the two were having deep sleep, Kapang slowly moved to the fire and got the ropes burned and then rolled himself quietly, and found out the spear of Luivao as Maringthei was sleeping on the tree. From the breathing sound of Luivao, it was not difficult for Kapang to locate him. The last blow of a warrior like that of Samson was terrible and the spear was through the chest of Luivao. Hearing the terrible cry, Maringthei rushed only to find that his bosom friend was gone.
“Now, I have taken one more to carry my luggage in Kazeiram (land of Dead). I have done my last duty. Now you may do with me whatever you want to do” roared Kapang. Maringthei had no time to wait. He cut the flesh and bones of his enemy into pieces and threw away to all directions saying – Oh shiri shira nathum wui vangkho.! (Oh birds and animals, it is for you)
However, the war of challenge did not end here; Maringthei repeatedly raided the house and the paddy field of the children of Kapang in order to avenge the killing of Luivao. After finishing the four sons, the last daughter came to look after the paddy against the invading birds. Fearing that Maringthei could be anywhere anytime she sang a song of praise for Him.

“Oh Longpi Maringthei, Maingtheiwo,
Phakachangli nawui sarai mirai Kapha,
Ishava nawui raithat ngasahao”
(Oh Maringthei, of Longpi.! How excellent is your way of hunting the enemies;
My father was fallen in your hand”
On hearing the song Maringthei suddenly rushed out from the bush and said “My daughter, do not be afraid, if you go sing that song in your village, I will spare your life; and if you fail to sing that song, then your head is off”. The song remains but Maringthei never visited that place again from that day on. History never until the end of the Hero.
Rachai Village one of the salt manufacturing centers in the North of Ukhrul was one time saved form a terrible man-eater by Maringthei and in gratitude, Maringthei received a basket of salt every year from that village. Aging doesn’t spare even the warriors, and the Maringthei had become very old by then. As the last adventure, Maringthei visited Rachai for collecting the annual tribute of salt.
Instigated by some elders of the village, a boy offered himself to go with him as his servant. “Yes, yes, you may come with me and look after my buffaloes”, said Maringthei.
After crossing the village gate, the boy said “Uncle I want to ease myself, you please go ahead”. No sooner than the old man with a heavy load of salt took the lead, the boy calling Kapang’s name speared him through the chest and the hero was down and so was the end of an era of a hero whose name chilled the spines of Man, women, and children.
This boy, the grandson of Kapang, son of the last daughter who saved herself by singing a clever song in praise of Maringthei. She died before her son grown up but he was adopted by his uncle at Rachai village.

Friday, 15 March 2019

There's no North East India

(Pict- NSCN IM )

There's no North-East India.

There was no land in the history known as Northeast India, not even during the British Period. The term 'Northeast India are virtually misnomered, as the real and thorough identification of the region, for obvious reasons, is yet to be explored and used.
It unofficially got the name after India's controversial occupation over the region.

we all know that the peoples, its geographical location, culture, history, and heritage and tradition are quite different from the rest of India, and many researchers, scholars presently are not ready to call it Northeast India.
The reason known is that the region was never a part of India and still culturally, linguistically, above all psychologically and even Geographically separate from the rest of India.

India is the only country in the world where she uses its regular and professional Army against its own people. No other country, other than India, that achieved independence from the British in the 20th Century possesses imperialist and expansionist attitude and dream that promotes her to keep others land within her territories, which were never Within India and the British forcibly and illegally annexed them with India in between 1757 to 1905.

India knows it well that it has no logical, even legal, right to keep Eastern Asia (Northeast India) under her occupation, not even a district of the region was a part of India. When the British decided to leave the region, The NAGAS like all other people of the region justifiably thought that the British would return their motherland to them.
However, Nagas are the First Nation and only Nation that declared Independence on 14th August prior to India.

Women's in our Family


         Women's in our family, Society (Reflection)

A mother in Naga society is considered lucky if she has a baby girl as the first child. It is said that the more girls she has, the more relief she gets in doing the odd jobs in the house.
Women play an equally important role in the Naga family. Educating the children, growing vegetables, and do the entire family work such as feeding to the children, domestic animals and wash, weaves clothes for the family and for various purposes.
She is 
as virile, strong, and actives as men working in the paddy fields too. Both husband and wife are co-workers with equal rights and dignity in their own spheres of work, men for fields, women for both fields, and kitchen.
Everybody works according to his ability and nobody begs from anybody. Such, there are no beggars even today in Naga society.
The woman was like an ambassador, mediator, enjoyed full diplomatic immunity. Nobody could lay hands on her. She was called the Peace Maker, the bearer of the torch of peace and Red Cross bearer of Naga Inter Village war.
The role of women in Naga society is very immense. however, some social restrictions were there in our customary law.
#Woman cannot become a priest.
#Woman cannot sit crossed-legged
#woman cannot put her leg on men
#Woman cannot touch spears and shields which are men's domain
#Women cannot wear Haora, Male shawls.
#Woman cannot join the hunting party
#Woman cannot inherit the father's landed property.
Women could influence in many ways directly or indirectly in politics, diplomacy through the village councilors, or at least through their husbands. there are many examples where women took the lead in social movement, politics... In every village state, there were some women who were deeply involved in social reforms and social services.


16 POINT AGREEMENT – THE GREATEST BETRAYAL IN NAGA HISTORY Kaka D. Iralu February 15, 2003 The Wider Historical Background: July 18, 1...