Nagas Sovereignty
rights can never be compromised, it is inalienable, non-negotiable and not to
be played upon.
Many Nagas are confused because they do not know the truth
about Naga National history or because they have not contributed enough to be
called owners or maybe the are deceived, betrayed badly by the Stooges,
traitors and adversaries never to realize the Nagas inherent rightfully as independent People and Nation.
There are Four categories of Naga people found
these days...
1. Stooges and traitors with adversaries in the chorus
for another blunder...
2. Moderate Nagas who insisting on better status
or upgraded Nagas to keep Nagas rights alive for future generations to pursue on.
3. The pseudo leaders, pseudo-Nationalist, pseudo
Patriotic, the opportunists, and the ignorant masses who simply seek selfish desires taking advantage by shifting sides every time to swing and
flows with the opportunity and majority moves.
4. The True Naga Patriotic who always maintain
that Nagas are not Indians nor Indians the Nagas, further they have clarified
that the uniqueness of Naga people and her National history as Sovereign
independent People and Nation is inalienable as being recognized through the
basics principles and events such as
1. Nagas submitted a memorandum to Simon Commission
on 10th January 1929.
2. Nagas declared her independence on 14 August
1947 a day ahead of the Indian independence day with prior consultation with
Indians Sole leaders non-other than the Father of the Indian Nation...
4. Nagas successfully conducted her National
referendum called the historic Naga plebiscite on 16 May 1951 with a thumping
victory over 99.9% in favor of Naga Independence which was immediately
intimated to UNO for record and recognition...
5. Nagas rejected and boycotted the first supper
imposed Indian election in Naga country in 1956.
6. Nagas have already condemned the sale our MOU of
16 points agreement and Shillong accord once and for all.
6. Nagas continuously defended her people and Nation
with everything possible from the inception of our Nation to date from
occupational forces and hegemonies.
7. The Nagas through NSCN- IM, inked ceasefire
agreement with India in 1997 to be the genius World record 22 years of
political talks without tangible outcome due to Indians double standard and
diabolic policies.
8. The ceasefire agreement between the two countries
came with the following conditions:
1. The talks shall be held at the highest Prime
Ministerial level.
2. The talks shall be held from outside countries
as witnesses...
3. The talk shall be held without any conditions
and outside the Indian Constitution.
The Indian leaders right from the beginning
promised to the Nagas to respect each other’s People and Nation but failed to
keep their promises by invading and forceful occupation of Naga country after
their Independence creating havoc's, Human rights violations with heinous and
aggressive genocidal and chauvinist policies with their shameless acts with their own
violations after her Independence.
They specifically declared that the uniqueness of
Naga history is recognized as Sovereign independent People and Nation but
retract back by eating their own vomitus.
Today after more than 7 decades of bloodshed and 23
years of political talks with every rightful status of Nagas as Sovereign
independent People and Nation...they are trying their best to sabotage the hard
earned trust, Negotiated Framework Agreement (FA) and recognition of Naga people’s rights as
Sovereign independent People and Nation. But sooner or later the two Nations
India and Naga-land/Nagalim shall exist as two friendly neighborhood Nations
once the congenial atmosphere and upright intellectual generations and
leadership come into existence to sit for the final solution who will respect
the Father of the nation and Patriotic National leaders.
It is my sincere hope and prays that God will
liberate our people and Nation once God-fearing leaders with upright and
visionary intellectuals generations come to the power, who shall sit together
to hammer out the Indo Naga political problem as per the uniqueness of our own
people and National history sooner than the latter.
Till then let be sure and confident that God and
truth alone shall reign at the end.
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