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Wednesday, 28 October 2020





“Kuki War of Independence 1917-1919” by Kukis
“Massacre of people of Manipur by Kuki Marauders.1917-1919”

A critical analysis based on History, Geography and Political situation.

1. It has been unanimously resolved that there is no need of giving rejoinders to each and every endless fabricated stories and forgery of historical documents, literature, religious and traditional records with intention to cheat by the Kuki conspirators, particularly by the Thadou Kukis. Perforce Haomee and Yek-Salai of Meitei and Nagas have to adopt various measures and counter measures against such dirty and dangerous conspiracy to save the identity of the indigenous people and motherland. The case against the forgery will have to be taken up immediately as priority. We have lost everything; the only one left is action. It is time for “action”.
2. Massacre of hill and valley people by Kuki marauders.
There was no Kuki War of Independence 1917-1919. There had been number of heinous crimes of massacre of the indigenous people and more of Thangkhul, Kabui etc. including valley people of Manipur since the arrival of Kukis in Manipur. There was no “Kuki War of Independence 1917-1919” it is shockingly condemnatory that the heinous crime of assassination and massacre of men, woman, children, traders and cultivators by Kukis have been glorified and manipulated as “Kuki War of Independence” to boil the blood of Haomee (Naga + Meitei). Telling and writing blatant lies boldly and without any remorse by the Kukis is just a contrary to bravery and generosity of a civilized human race, but it is clear evidence of savagery nature and betrayal.
3. Proposed title of the rebellion.
Any title of the story or narrative should be appropriate, befitting and compatible to the reality of the story. The following were suggested titles:-
a. Massacre of people of Manipur by nomadic immigrants 1917-19.
b. Result of the nomadic Kuki immigrants 1917-19.
c. Opportunist immigrant Kuki rebellion 1917-19.
d. Rebellion of opportunist Kuki immigrants 1917-19.
e. No proper punitive action against Kukis 1917-19.
4. Meaning of war.
(a) It is imperative that one should understand the simple dictionary meaning of war, mutiny, rebellion, uprising etc. it appears that Kukis will not like to understand the meaning of war as it is against their interest and long term plan of having a home state of their own, also ignorantly and brazenly advertised the Kukis resistance to labour recruitment -as “Kuki War of independence”. It was just exaggerated by the Kukis (a storm in the tea-pot) as cyclone or typhoon. Formal declaration of war is done by a sovereign state/country against another sovereign country and its allies. Have the nomadic Kukis walking up in the remote corner of the border and in the un-administered areas of the border making sandwiched transit abode declare war and against whom?
(b) Can the Gypsy (Romas) nomadic race declare war against any European countries? Can the Bakrawals (Gujars and Ahirs) nomadic tribes between India and Pakistan declare war against India or Pakistan? The following paragraphs will give the correct picture how the Hills and Valley indigenous people have been suffering after the arrival of the immigrant nomadic Kukis in Manipur. Another danger is the unseen influx of Rohingya intruders.
(c) Rohingya : Their father country is Bangladesh and mother country is Myanmar, mostly Kuki mothers living in the Sandwitch free land as they call it. They are disowned by father country and thrown out by mother country, Myanmar. They are very close with the Kukis in Manipur and NE India and many of them are hand and glove in some open or secret Business. Out of 35 lakhs to 40 lakhs of Rohingya about 5 to 6 lakhs Rohingya have already been prospective encroachers on the independent life of the people of NE India.
5. Sovereign status and Immigrant/Refugees.
It is undisputed political system of the world that a sovereign State/country should have well known recognized territory, population, government and its own independent authority, Any people from other countries coming in that sovereign country are foreigners/ immigrants or refugees. Apart from the Adivashis, India had been sovereign country of the Asian race. Since thousands and hundreds of years so many Aryan race, Caucasian race, Greeks, Italians, Iranians and Englishmen came and lived for hundreds of years in India. Even they cannot claim themselves as citizen of India, forget about claiming as indigenous people. Likewise if the Kukis have been living in Manipur for few decades of years as Mongoloid group of people, so what? Haomee cannot call the Mongoloid group of people, Japanese, Chinese, Myanmaris, Koreans, and Indonesians etc to be citizen and indigenous people of Manipur.

6. Glorification of Massacre as War of Independence.
(a) Creating savagery Communal wave constantly by the Kukis and the massacre of men, women and Children in the barbaric and Satanic manner, beheaded, butchered, speared to death and some girls taken as slaves and presented to their masters are glorified today as Kuki war of Independence. It is intolerable insult to the irritated descendents of the massacred men and women by the Kukis, who are constantly and crazily looking forward the opportune time to grab the motherland of Meitei, Tangkhul, Kabui, Thangal and all Nagas, the indigenous people of Manipur of yek, Salaichas now united as Haomee to save themselves.

(b) My own assessment of British and India.
The British connection with Manipur started in the year 1762 AD during the Maharaj Joy Singh. What Laijanung Gangte is mentioning about the Treaty of Alliance 1764 is not known. There were a number of Burmese invasion in 1764.It appears as another concocted story if he or she may kindly produce it for our awareness he will be awarded. Manipur was under British rule, for 56 years (1891 to 1947).The political agent’s administrators and the army officers, study of the country people, politic and economy are appreciable. They knew the Geography, history and origin of the people. They study, wrote and kept the records, which no Indian administrators Politicians can do. Let us orientate ourselves what the British wrote and try to improve on it.

7. Orientation and briefing about the Kukis
(a) According to R.K. Jhalajit Singh, Padmashree, Historian the reign of Maharajh Nara Singh (1844-1850) was also known as the “Era of the coming of the Kukis in Manipur”. It is true that some similar tribes of Kukis like Khongjai also migrated and settled in the bordering areas and unadministered tracks and areas of remote hill areas of Manipur even before the Kukis and new Kukis, particularly the Thadou Kukis migrated in the year 1850. According to their own Kuki stories, why they were called Khongsai; was that they were first peoples of Khongsai Vallage in Burma where they came and met Meiteis and Tangkhuls when they migrated in Manipur. Because, there are various tribes of Kukis in the contention of Shakespeare (1912) Kukis are divided into old kuki and new kuki based on their arrival.  lt is also stated by T.S. Gangte Page 55 of his book”..............

The Kukis of Manipur, By T.S Gangte / Table-3.2
/Kuki Division on the basis of Arrival /Old Kuki New Kuki
Aimol, Anal, Chiru, Chothe, Koireng, Kom, Langang, Purum,Gangte, Paite, Simte, Vaiphei, Zou, Hinar. Thadous (and their other kin groups such as, Dongel, Maissao, Luphung Luphao, Ngoilu, Lamhao, Thengeo, Touthang, etc which are not in the list of recognized tribes).
The above is wrong and fabricated information, the first Aimol tribe to Purum tribe are Naga (Haomee of 7 Yek Salai only the last 6 tribes from Gangte to Hmar are Kukis. Page 35. The Kukis of Manipur a historical analysis by T.S. Gangte.

(b) No old and new for indigenous people
The indigenous people of Manipur now united as Haomee (Nagas and Meiteis) have no old or new Naga, or new Meitei. The time of arrival of old and new Kukis are the difference of 15 years to 20 years. That will automatically seen and demonstrated in the following paragraphs. First let us see the following historical records and documents.

I. Major General Sir James Johnstone.
The Kukis are a wandering race consisting of several tribes who have long been working up from the South. They were first heard of as Kukis, in Manipur, between 1830 and 1840. The new immigrants began to cause anxiety about the year 1845, and soon poured into the hill tracts of Manipur in such numbers, as drive away many of the older inhabitants.

II. Seeing that the Kukis had been driven North by the kindred but more powerful tribes, and that their first object was to secure land for cultivation.

III. Kukis original home cannot be ascertained, but there seem to be trace of them as far South as the Malay Peninsula.

IV. T.H. Lewin (1870-130) said that on the Chittagong side, the Kukis were described as:-
“......... men who live in the interior parts of the hill and have not used fire arms and whose bodies go unclothed”. Please mark that this area was also known as “Land of Wild Tribe” upto 1580 AD geographical History. These are the Kukis who claimed as the loss tribe of the Hebrews the ancient most civilized race.

V. Col. Dalton (1872:44) Commissioner said that the Kukis were first known from an article which appeared in the Asiatic Researcher Journal Vol. VII 1799.

VI. Hutton (1928:24) said that the origin of the word Kuki is not known “but it first appeared in” Bangal in the Asiatic Researcher Journal Vol. II 1872.

When the nomadic Kukis were driven to the North they walked up on the un-administered and narrow sandwiched areas of Tripura, Manipur and Cachar. They were often used as porters’ labours and thus were known as Coolies so Kuki is corrupted word of Coolie as found in many articles.

VI. (a) The Kukis in Cachar and Bangal.
The Kukis are all immigrant from the South and forms by inhabiting the hills South of Cachar, from which they were driven northward by the more powerful people from the unexplored country between British territory and Burma.

VII. In 1867 the number of....Colonies had risen to 1967. In 1867 the number of 500 new immigrants had come from Manipur. The establishment of Naga Hill Districts, deprived this colonizing scheme.

8. Hebrew or Mongoloid group and brother of Meitei.
With all the stories cited above Kukis who migrated from the far South in Asia during the middle of 19 century claiming themselves as Loss Tribe of Hebrews the ancient and one of the most civilized race of the world. They are Semitic, white/light skin handsome, tall and beautiful and most intelligent people, Kukis also claim themselves as elder brother of Meitei, Kukis never knew what script is. Is the Hebrew script also same script of Kuki. They have no difference between right and wrong.

9. Aim and objective of Kukis.
The Kukis have a big aim and endless objectives:-
(a) Aim is to live in Manipur disguised as indigenous people of Manipur by any means fair or foul, even if they will never be able to prove” it. During this critical time they have to occupy all the possible land and make complete demographic change, physical occupation which will come in their favour. They are already more than halfway through.

(b) Objective is to create a Kuki Homeland and Kuki State for further and further expansion. They have boldly demanded 71% of Manipur as their homeland without any objection from any organization or by anyone showing their gratefulness for giving them shelter and showing generosity as un-communal faithful subordinate friends for Kukis grand objective. It is only the Federation of Haomee, International Meitei Forum and few organizations and intellectuals who had been objecting Kukis demands. They are ready to sacrifice or do anything to stop such demand. If GOI, continue the “Divide and Rule Policy Appeasement and Delaying Tactics”, then only the ethnic clash will decide the issue.

(c) Ingredients to Demand Home state. There are two (2) important ingredients for demanding Homeland/State within the concept of human rights declaration and meaning of Human Rights. Firstly the race or tribes should be indigenous people living and settling contiguously in a reasonably big areas and had been fighting and sacrificing for their cause. This is the reason that the immigrant Kukis have been manufacturing all kinds of concocted stories boldly and blatantly to make the people believe that Kukis are indigenous people of Manipur. After the down fall of Manipur kingdom and after seven years of devastation, the coming of Kukis will bring loss of identity of indigenous people. It will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.

10. History of kukis written by Kuki themselves.
All the concocted, manufactured stories with various kinds of forgery of historical, records and documents with the intention to cheat by the Kuki writers, intellectuals and historians are with the aim and objective of a Kuki homeland /state in Manipur as mentioned above.

11. Review of origin, Triat and Reliability of Kuki.
(a) It is our dedicated appeal to all the people, intellectuals, particularly historian and judges to make a critical analysis of what the Kukis had been doing since the time of their migration in Manipur and the entire N.E. This is the warning to the question of ethnic clash disintegration and balkanization of Manipur, It is not a spark neglected burns the house but it is a wild fire neglected, burn the nation. Please do remember the above Para 10 of one single sentence and keep asking to yourself what is the aim and objective of the Kukis, if they get it what will happen? Who are they? When did they come? How many of them are in Manipur? Are they speaking the truth? Who are indigenous people of Manipur? How and why Meitei and Nagas should know Kukis identity? Etc. We are giving you a ... summary of the true story for your own review and opinion.

(b) During this time when I am in the process to study about the Kukis, I am really lucky to have read “Wild Races of the Eastern frontier of India” by T. H. LEWIN and another book “Notes on the THADOU KUKIS” by William Shaw. No Indian writer will be able to give such ground reality with its stories and authentic reports with all their practical experiences. In the first book part III deals with all tribes known as “sons of the rivers”. They are the Lhoosai or Kukis and Shendoos .....”They are in every respect wilder than the Khyonngtha: they are more purely savage as un-amendable to the lures of civilization..........necessity of their life.

(c) All the three parts quote copiously from the ancient authorities who extensively toured these regions and gained firsthand knowledge of their social life...... the south East Asia. A valuable mine of information....... in search of knowledge of these races.

12. Trait, Betrayal Opportunist, Savagery Nature of Kukis
This summery of what actually happened as illustrated from the narrative given from Page 45to50 of the book “Notes on the Thadou Kukis” by William Shaw will tell you the truth about Kukis. Arrival of Kukis in Manipur

Shitlhous with the Shingsons.....Moved up into the north Cachar hill which was then in the hands of Tularam Senapati Kachari. Another group, Sangnao and Khaochangbung chiefs of Chithous and their adherents moved up along the hills between the Barak River and the Valley of Manipur thus they came to the present Valley Chassad. The next story is sepoy mutiny where Kuki proved themselves as traitors, betrayal, opportunists and anti Indians and servants of the Sirkar (British) There are unforgettable shocking stories of Kuki savagery nature and killing of Indian freedom fighters after betrayal.

(a) Sepoy Mutiny and Kuki Traitors.
It is pertinent to mention few of the stories which Kuki-nomadic tribe claim as their contribution to Indian freedom fighting; whereas it was stories of Kuki traitors, marauders, opportunist, and their diabolical triats giving deadly blows to the to the indigenous people of the entire North East India from those days till to-day. The Indian troops in Sylhet and Silcher mutinied and after killing their officers gathered together with the intention of going to Manipur and settling there (after further studies, not mentioned in this book one Manipur Prince Norendrajit (Sana Chahi Ahum) was also with such group of Sepoy mutiny. There were Thadou Kuki levies used by the Cachar Rajah and British against the raids and troubles by Angami Nagas.

Kuki Traitors massacred of Indian Freedom Fighters.
13. Mangjahu Kuki, the traitor killed Indian Mutineers.

(a) The Thadou Kuki Levies/Militia said they would join the mutinies and fight their enemies with them be they even the Englishmen. So the Kukis were allowed to enter the fort in great numbers. Mangjahu Kuki the Chief of Khongdosei Village was the head of this movement and led the Thadou Kuki Sepoys. Instead of helping the Indian Sepoys, they killed them all, and capturing all their arms handed them over to the Sirkar (British) in consequence more arms were supplied by the Sirkar to the Kukis and they were then used in greater number in N.E India. Even in Manipur they were deployed in the present SADAR hill areas, the name brought fraudulently by one Kuki officer during or immediately after British rule.

(b) Kuki opportunist ran away : During Kachari uprising the Kukis ran away and Kuki Levies/Militia disband. The Kukis who were loyal to the British and killed the Indian freedom fighters after treacherously.

(c) Betraying them : There is another shameful story on Page 148 of the History of the North East frontier by Alexander Mackenzei he said... “but I noticed that the Thadou historians do not seem to know of the reasons for the abandonment of this Militia, or should I say that they prefer not to remember it” Page 46 notes on the Thadou Kukis”

By:- William Shaw
The story goes like this “Sambhudhan, the leader of their insane and murderous revolt had not been arrested .......hence our police are practically helpless when following up offenders whom the people desire to serene.

II. In the chief commissioner’s opinion no people came worse out of this affair than the so called Kukis Militia. They gave no information before hand of the probability of a Cachar rising and they were found of no use after it hunting down the fugitives or collecting evidence against them. They were first to run away at Gunjoug , and the only kookie sentry there was at Maibong also ran away they were accordingly disbanded by the order of the chief commissioner... This is story which the Kuki historians prefer not to remember it. However the Kukis manufactured a proud History of “Kukis war of Independence 1817-1919” in Manipur as contribution of Indian Independence.

14. Nchlam Kuki chief of Chahsat group
The Kukis who came up along the hills between the Barak river and the valley of Manipur were similarly used by the Raja of Manipur placing them among the Kacha Nagas, and those on the east were used as a barrier against the Burmese. When Nehlam Kuki chief of the Chahsat went to pay his respect to the Rajah he was well received. After the reception Nehlam chief went to the political agent and did likewise. The Raja hearing of this become much enraged and sent for Nehlam chief. When he was produced he was murdered as the Manipuris thought he would become a follower of the “British and not do what the Manupuris wanted done”. This means that the nomadic Kuki immigrants cannot have two masters and cannot play diplomacy in the Raja’s independent Kingdom. The Rajah knew that Nehlam Kuki will play the role of double agent and will take opportunity from both and create problems at opportune time for their selfish ends.

15. Soya Kuki Chief of Songohal Village
A great warrior with a powerful following established himself at the present site of Laibong Village of Charachadpur Sub-Division of Manipur state. When the Raja heard of this he sent for Soya who appeared presenting a gong to the Raja but he was put to death because of his independence. The prudent Raja visualized the danger of such nomadic immigrant Kuki leader and his intention to grab land.

16. Thungkhopao Chief of Laikot :
Village on hearing of the above he took all the Chahsat group with Soya followings over to the Raja of Alva(ec.Ava-Burma) and requested that revenge may be taken for such deed against the Raja of Manipur. The Raja Alva said he would do so in three years time and permitted Thungkhopao to take up his residence in the hills on the west of Alva. During this time Tungkhopao killed some people of the Raja of Alva’s hill tribes and was sent for to answer for the deed. Tungkhopao feigned illness and was persuaded by the Shitlous to submit to the raja of the Manipur who had the British to help them for safety sake. This illustrate general trait of opportunist Kuki right from the time of their migration in Manipur. Now Kukis are demanding Kuki Homeland in the migrated foreign country, Manipur.

(a) And so Tungkhopao and Chahsat group came back and were allowed to reside in the hills to the west of the valley. This was in Sana Koireng’s time.

(b) This was the help of Sana Koireng (Tikendrajit) that the Kukis again were allowed to reside in Manipur. Surprisingly Kukis did not help Tikendrajit and did not give shelter at chasat after he was defeated by British (c) In return the chief of Chassad, Tongilu (Tonglhu) said that he was seriously thinking for his father Nehlam who was murdered by Raja Chandrakirti and thus, even think of revenge and did not give protection to Sana Koireng (Tikendrajit). Kukis knew that the Manipuris have no chance of winning the war so they need not and will not help the Manipuries. (Page 49) Notes on Thadou Kukis W. Shaw.

17. Manipur prince Narendrajit and sepoy Mutiny mentioned above.
(a) These Mutinies were not Indian troops of sylhet and Cachar but the 3 companies of the 34th Bengal Notive Infantry (NI) from Chittagong, who had reached Sylhet and Cachar through Tippera, (History of Assam, Ch XVII), who says that the ...... heading for Manipur were repeatedly attacked by the regular troops and by Kuki scouts, and that ultimately only three or four escaped deaths or capture (Ed) connecting and reviewing some untold but true story of Manipur is concerned... “Taken advantage of the arrival of the mutineers by some of the Manipur chief in Cachar and several joined them with a view of getting their aids in over throwing Manipur government under British protection. Among them was Narendraqjit or Sana Chahi-Ahum” (three years in his mother’s womb), a younger son of Maharaj Chourajit Singh fought for the mutinies. It is said that this Prince have strongly developed long arms, even his fingers reaching down below his knees. Some of his dresses which illustrate the mighty size of his physique is still kept in reserve by his descendents. However the prince was made prisoner after he received a gunshot injury and handed over to the British officers; he was eventually transported (E.W.D 1987,47)...It is supposed that nearly if not all the mutinies were killed captured or perished miserably in the jungles of the Manipur and Kuki hills chin by the Kuki.

(b) The above was an epoch when the opportunist, wandering immigrant Kukis; intruding in all the unadministered, border areas of sovereign principalities had to show their loyalty to the protector British for their survival. Perforce they had to be loyal and obedient to their powerful masters, albeit their mentality, nature were dominated by wild barbaric opportune and selfish nature. The two words loyal and opportunist do not club together, inspite of that for the Kukis in that era, they can be called selfish, opportunist loyal Kukis.

(c) The above epoch making period under review came to an end when Chingakham Sanajaoba and Manipuri Lambus told them that the British power was on the wane and soon disappearing. Some of the Kukis had seen the world when they went to France as labours of the British labour corps. They were convinced that the earth is not quite as small as they held it to be previously. However these are minority.

(d) Now, the Kukis realized that a wandering, immigrants life is not a life of civilized human beings and so their leader P.S. Haokip is crying, as Kuki do not have even an enclave either in Myanmar or India. Mr P.S. Haokip president KNO. After writing all the fabricated stories about the Kukis as if their empire was more than half of the South East Asia; in the end of chapter-Ill of Eastern Zalin-eam (Burma) brazenly he lamented with the following word “an autonomous enclave for the Kukis is warranted a hundred times over, both in India as well as in Burma, but such a concept has been (elusive) in both the countries” It is quite clear that Kukis will never have peace, they will never have sense of security, they will never be free from harassment until they have their own land, their own nation state whether it be within India, within Burma or without. The area and location of this “nation state” is already demarcated by history.

Page 22-23 of “Zalin-Gam The Kuki Nation” By:- P.S. Haokip.
Can Haomee suggest to the GOI if they can give some Homeland of Kukis in the big states, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana? Or they may be asked to go to Israel if they are Loss Tribe of Hebrews.

18. In spite of all the confrontation between the indigenous people Haomee (united Yek Salai of Nagas and Meitei) and the new immigrant Kukis; it is sincere advice and warning of Meitei and Nagas that Kukis should learn to live as loyal subject of Manipur respecting the cut off year as 1951.Something is better than nothing.

19. If G.O.I. and Government of Manipur cannot stop the influx of these foreigner Kukis it is nothing but encouraging ethnic clash. Definitely there is no one in Manipur government to convince G.O.I about these most dangerous problems. Let the Kukis make all the concocted stories. All the old, one time independent state/principalities of Tripura Dimasha/Cachar Ahom/Assam, Khasi, Garo and Manipur know the immigrant Kukis and also know well about the Kukis and the time of their arrival from the South. The part of the stories had already been mentioned above. Now it is mandatory for the Haomee to contact all these neighboring state and get the true stories of the Kukis and send it to the government of India and United Nations organization. GOI should not take this issue lightly since India may lose the whole NE and may happily go and join some powerful country and merge in that group of Mangoloid people. In that case we also never knew if GOI will rather prefer it and be glad, as once Jawahalal Nehru said good bye to the people of N.E during the Chinese aggression in the year 1962.

20. Influx of Kukis and demographic change.
One Mr. Lein Gangte published in Imphal free Press in September 2015 demand clarification in his rejoinder he stated “During the reign of Maharaj Budhachandra Manipur Darbar recorded 250 Kuki Villages in the year 1946-47” RK Rajendra happily endorsed his statement that it was inclusive of 174 Villages in Churachandpur as declared by Maharaj Bodhachandra on 18 oct 1948 in Manipur Darbar. If we deduct these 174 Kuki Villages of the then Villages of Sadar circle No. 3 of Churachandpur there were only 76 Kuki Villages in other parts of Manipur during and up to the reign of Maharaj Joi Singh (Chingtham Khomba) (1759-1761) (1763-1798) there were hardly to 10 Khongjai Villages in the border areas of Manipur that too mostly disputed unadministered areas between Manipur and Burma. Khongjai’s were never known as Kukis in earlier Manipur. Though they were of the same variety of similar mongoloid tribe they were not Thadou Kukis the new name given by the British. Now there are more than 3000 Villages of Kukis in Manipur.

21. The Kuki Rebellion, of 1917-1919 may rightfully be called as “Kuki traitor’s rebellion against the King of Manipur” or “Kuki Rebellion against Maharaj Churachand and the people of Manipur -1917-1919” Historians remember that Kutingthang Chief of Jhanphei declared himself as King (Maharajah) of Manipur during Kuki Rebellion. He was not exiled but released after few years. However, Chingakham Sanjaoba was exiled for life.

All the people of the present generation in Manipur, the Meiteis, Nagas, the Yek Salai-cha and Haomees do not know their own identity and the history of their own people and their own land. Still the government of Manipur and Ministry of Education never thinks of learning the history of Manipur.

Forgery of Historical Records.

(a) History is the most important document of the people and the nation. It is the proclamation of the continuous accurate records of evidence and events of the past and present. The events of documents and records of to-day will be the history of tomorrow. Now due to the emergence of the unbelievable dangerous situation, it is obligatory and unavoidable for the brave patriots of Manipur to disclose and point out and expose the willful concealment of material facts by some immigrant Kuki conspirators disguised as Indigenous people of Manipur. All that they have written fraudulent, making, or altercation of writings and records with intent to prejudice the rights of other Indigenous people.

Legal Action required
(b) It is most ridiculous that whenever we give the correct answer and the truth to the Kuki immigrants against their misleading, deceitful writings and rejoinders they never reply or answer the questions, but they intentionally give and reproduce the same fabricated story after a few months or even years without any remorse. It is clear that only serious legal and punitive action by the government will set them right. However, will this government do that? What we, indigenous people Meitei and Nagas will do even after we know that we are descendants of the same ancestors.


By :
Lt. Col. (Retd.) R.K. Rajendra Singh

Published By. Federation of Haomee, Manipur.

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